Tuesday, March 07, 2006


I've learned a thing or two in the past year about the process of adoption. It's wrapped up for me in just a small simple statement. It's hard. It's emotionally draining when you consider what you're signing up for. You're saying that I'm going to take a child or children and make them my own. Even if they come from a background that marks no influence of my own and more than likely is skewed beyond belief. It may be that this child comes from a home of neglect, disease, drugs or abuse and essentially I'm saying I want them to be mine. What? I've come to a place that I've accepted the fact I'm nuts. Clinically insane to make it clear.

Today my wife and I take a trip down the road to meet two little boys that have more problems than I care to address at this point. From delays, to concerns of autism they are in a world of hurt. They can't speak or even communicate for that matter and I'm going to meet them to find out if my Heavenly Father wants me to call them my own. One has just turn two and the other is eight months old. They have really never known a person to call mom or dad. They have never been cherished or loved in way that says they have value.

Adoption... it's a funny thing when you realize that we are adopted. Christ adopted us even when we were in a world of hurt. Ugly, sinful people that had little to no value at all in the worlds’ eyes. But thankfully there was someone that was willing to call me His own. He paid more than I could imagine for the price of my destitute lifestyle and past. He loved me even when I couldn't communicate that I loved Him back.

Jesus was adopted. He wasn't Joseph's or Mary's baby. Yet they took on a role that would have intimidated me beyond my wildest dreams. The Son of God in my care as a father.... yikes! Moses was adopted... Even though his birth mother was in the picture he was taken in by total strangers to be their own. To imagine what influence that men like this had on our world even thousands of years later makes me think about what God could do with the life of some child that nobody else wants and yet He entrusts to me.


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