Thursday, February 16, 2006

Extreme Makeover "Home Edition"

Sometimes you have your quiet time and put a nice neat bow around it and then start your day. Your day starts as a totally separate component to your life outside your time with the Father. It's like an “add on” when you build a home. The builder has a price for the home but everything else you want to add to the home to customize and make it yours just drives up the price. Six panel doors, an actual light in your living room (who builds a home thinking you won't need a light in your living room?), rounded corners on your walls, tile, different carpet than the one inch foam matting that they install. You get the picture...

I discovered I have “add on's” to the life God has called me to. He set the base principles and gave me the master plan through His Word and now I've tried to customize things. You know, make it me per say. Give it my personality. Bring some life to those white walls of following Christ.

Well, I found myself today swatting at my quiet time from yesterday like a nat flying around my head being nothing but an annoyance. Some peripherals of my day that truly have nothing to do with my purpose as a pastor, father or husband caused my temper to rise like Dick Chaney's pace maker the past few days. I sat in my office just furious. Hands shaking and ready to rip the next person that entered my domain. That nat just kept flying around like some dive bomber on crack and I could hear it buzzing in my ear. That buzz was 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.

If you don't know what those few verses say it reads like this: "Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." It was simply an "add on" to my life. It wasn't something that I felt fit with the personality of these white walls. I mean God didn't intend for me to rejoice right now, He needed me to get these blasted ducks back in line and back on my command. One tubby tubby.... (sorry, random movie quote) I mean really scripture isn't supposed to enter the realm of my daily life... is it?


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