Friday, February 03, 2006

Did you hear the one about the two blondes?

I spent so much time this week walking around the premise of what God's Word had for me. I was trying to establish a channel or message that would communicate how people could connect with God through prayer. All week I've struggled to formulate an outline or direction for that topic, but I knew my heart was focused on prayer.

Did you ever have a parent come in your room as a child and tell you to get up, it's time for school. Only to have them come back again in ten minutes, but speak with more authority. If you were a kid in the house I grew up in, there was no third time if you catch my drift. Tone spoke volumes. Well, the Lord came in for a second time this morning while I was in the shower. I could tell this wasn't the first time He tried to get my attention on the matter. I think it was a tone issue. This whole week I was concentrating on how to teach people to pray and talk with the Father. It simply never occurred to me that He wanted me to talk about Him speaking to us.

I caught it last night about 1:15. Four hundred and thirty-five times in the book of Exodus and Leviticus you read the phrase, "Then the Lord spoke to Moses". I was trying to draw the connection as to how Moses attained that kind of intimacy with the Father. Then, while I was shampooing my hair... it dawned on me, he didn't. The Father attained it with him.

Through circumstance and hardship Moses was forced to draw from the Father. He had no other place to turn. He couldn't do it alone nor was there anyone in his life that could have helped him lead these ancient day rednecks. God was speaking to Moses and Moses had the privilege to respond. Moses didn't initiate the burning bush, pillar of fire, pillar of smoke, conversation on Mount Sinai or the manna and quail. Exodus 31 says it well, "When He had finished speaking with him upon Mount Sinai, He gave Moses the two tablets of testimony". God was pursuing Moses. We have spend so much time figuring out how we are to pursue Christ we have failed to emphasized just how much He is pursuing us.


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