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There is a hazard to my profession that many don't understand. It's actually more common among preachers than most would admit. I would describe it as writers block, but with the mouth verses the pen. It's that reality that we face as preachers each week regardless of our emotion or the season we find ourselves in. Simply put... I haven't heard from the Father this week as to what to teach the people that God has entrusted to me as a pastor.
I hate the thought of waiting. I have to prepare in order to feel like I'm doing what I'm called to do with integrity and diligence. However, I'm fighting the urge to pull up Google and type in sermons on prayer and begin finding whatever resonates with my current state of mind. I hate that. I hate Google for making it so stinkin' easy to cheat. To have all this information at the tip of ones fingers is deadly for the soul of someone waiting to hear from God. I'm not saying that the information or sermons that are found on Google weren't from God for those individuals that wrote them, their simply not what the Lord has given me.
Heaven forbid I show up unprepared to preach! I mean it. Evangelicals have made such a mockery of the thought that God may want to get my pretentious arrogance out of the way in order for Him to show up. In order for His glory to be revealed instead of mine. Just two weeks ago I preached a sermon on preparation in the church and its ministries. I poked fun at preachers that show up and are waiting on the Holy Spirit to just move. Man this bites... Anybody seen a crow flying around here anywhere?
Well, what about what you wrote on Tuesday? Isn't prayer just talking to God? Why not a sermon on getting to know Him better through prayer?
Trust me, I have asked the same question. I simply don't know that is what He has for our people. Can I preach that? Sure, but I can't say that is what the Father has placed in my heart to preach~
Been there done that bro. I wear the t-shirt too well sometimes. It's best to wait but it sucks b/c then you think, what will people think if I come unprepared. It's times like these I remind myself Moses spoke with a stutter.
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