Sunday, January 29, 2006

In The beginning...

Today I started 40 Days of Spiritual Immersion with my church family. A time that we have chosen to set aside to seek an amazing Heavenly Father in matters of prayer. I don't know what to expect or what to hope for out of this time. I know I want to see Him move in ways that challenge me and drive me to new levels of relationship with Him. I want to understand His voice. Not just understand it, but know it. I have always been curious about the words of Christ when He says in John 10:27, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me" ... I know my voice and there is no doubt that my voice has often disguised itself as the Father's. I want to know that when I hear the Father speak it causes my very soul to tremble in the fact that there is no misunderstanding within my spirit as to who's talking.

I hate guessing like there is someone putting their hands over my eyes from behind and asking me to guess who it is. When my little girl does that I never have to wonder who it is. I know her soft, little hands when I feel them on my face, but more importantly I know her voice even at a gentlest whisper (which is very rare). I know her voice from a distance when I can't see her or even find her in a busy shopping store. There are times that I can hear fear, sadness, excitement and laughter in her voice by the simplest tone or pitch.

I want to know the Master's voice in such a way that it draws me to silence. I want to be quieted by my Father when I talk to much. I want to know when it's time to listen and learn rather than speak because of the deafening silence that I can't come to grips with. I want to know that when I'm lost in the busyness of the moment that I can call out for my heavenly daddy and know He is seeking me out. I want my relationship with Christ to be like the commercial that has a guy talking on a phone asking the question, "Can you hear me now?" and knowing that I will be able to emphatically respond, "Yes, I can". I want to hear him clearly, but more importantly I want to know that I'm following the right voice.


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