Friday, January 06, 2006


I recently heard the statement, "Man, I almost had it." Have you ever said that you "almost had it"? I almost hit a home run, I almost caught that fish, I almost mowed the lawn, and I almost won the game...

The sad thing is that we have come to the point of being content with the "almost." To the point I catch myself thinking of the almost as success. I almost lost four pounds, I almost had my quiet time, and I almost shared my faith...When did I start gaining satisfaction in the "almost's" in life? Why am I settling for the almost? I'm tired of being so close to success, but settling for the mediocre and finding joy in the sub par.

I was playing golf not long ago and on several holes I was attempting my best imatation of putting. The ball continued to lip out off the hole. I caught myself thinking that these putts were so close. I mean I should be greatful for even getting that close. Right?

Why? Why do I find contentment in the "almost"? I think it's time for myself and those that consider themselves followers of Christ to step out of the "almost" and into the "doing," into the "I succeeded," "I won!"

I don't want to almost worship, almost praise, almost serve, almost witness, almost share, almost give, almost forgive, almost care... I want to finish and I want to finish well~


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